Dion Watts
This is the story of Dion Watts. A native of Fairfield, Dion now serves as Urban Hope’s director of ministries.
I grew up lost. I grew up without a father, in a single-parent home. I grew up in poverty, living on welfare. Food came from food stamps. Housing came from public housing. Not having my father in my life led me on a path without direction. My life lacked purpose. As I was growing up without these things, I did not know where to find them. I had the instinct to provide and protect as the oldest child in the family and then our home burned down when I was sixteen. The house was not insured and we were living paycheck to paycheck. We were now homeless.
I had a profound sense of helplessness. My family was homeless and I didn’t know what we were going to do. I called out God in prayer because he was the only person I knew to turn to. In that moment, I prayed for God to help my family and that I would turn my life toward him. Shortly after that, some local churches helped us find shelter, food, clothing, and transportation. Our lives were suddenly stable thanks to God’s people. I knew God was answering my prayer.
God later provided me with a way to go to college. He showed me during college how patterns from my past and my family’s past were self-destructive. I knew I needed to break the patterns of sin that held my family captive. I got married because I wanted to be faithful to God. Around this time, God sent Alton Hardy into my life. I didn’t know how to be a godly husband, man, or father. I had no earthly father figure in my life. Alton Hardy stepped into that role. He pointed me to God’s Word and provided wisdom as I was trying to navigate life. He discipled me into being a better Christian and a better husband. Alton Hardy showed me how God is a Father who is faithful to provide.