Our Vision
The manifold vision is a six-year plan to see Urban Hope’s ministry strengthened and more young men in Fairfield set free from captivity to generational sins.

Multiply Churches
There is a dire need in Birmingham for thriving churches where the gospel is preached and men are discipled to reach their God-given potential.
We will multiply churches by:
1. Providing multi-year funding to minority pastors interested and skilled to serve in generationally impoverished communities like Tarrant and Bessemer where factors are present similar to Fairfield.

Deepen Our Roots
Urban Hope wants to be a stabilizing presence in Fairfield by investing in much-needed community development efforts.
Deepening our roots will require:
1. Supplementing the church’s annual operating budget so can it grow toward becoming financially independent.
2. Renovating a 10,000 square foot facility on the main street in Fairfield and leasing the space to a grocery store that will provide healthy food options, employment opportunities, and renewed activity in the city’s business district.
3. Opening a cafe on Fairfield’s main street as a community gathering place. This will be a self-sustaining business that will create jobs and serve as a place to connect with community members apart from Sunday services.
4. Rehabilitating homes in the central business district to provide affordable housing options for families.
5. Support the operations of Urban Hope Development in providing grants to local nonprofits that provide training in financial literacy, workforce development, and other needed empowerment efforts which will enable the church to collaborate instead of duplicate services.
6. Expand our ministry to the students of Fairfield High School to introduce them to the gospel and its importance for all of life.

Develop Future Leaders
The future of Fairfield is dependent on the ability to develop a new generation of leaders with a biblical worldview.
We will influence future leaders by:
1. Graduating 40 young men from the Urban Hope Leadership Initiative over the next five years.
2. Complete construction of 9,000 square-foot residential facility for UHLI which includes dorm-style accommodations in addition to meeting and administrative space for the ministry. UHLI is intended to be an immersion program. This permanent infrastructure will enable us to house young men in the heart of the city. This will enable them to observe all the dynamics of a generationally impoverished community and provide them with more opportunities to serve church members and residents.